
Why Take Up Practise Tests?

It is easy to say why practise makes one perfect, look at the ethics of professional musicians, athletes or any artists. They have practised their way up. Many psychologists around the world also seem to believe that 10,000 hours of practising anything makes them an expert in that field. 

While 10,000 hours of practice may not be necessary to get a competent NEET score, there is also no denying that taking up practise tests for NEET can certainly help achieve much better results. 

Taking up NEET and curious to learn about the benefits of practice tests? Have a look at these points:

Highlights of Practise Tests  

  1. Sets the tone 

Standardized practise tests provide a conducive atmosphere for test-takers. Just as athletes build upon their advanced levels, similarly practise tests must be taken up by NEET aspirants. It helps build their exam-taking endurance. The more you practise, the easier and better testing of hours gets. 

  1. Pick up the grooves 

Tests are designed to be complicated to evaluate your knowledge. Very rarely are the questions in the NEET 2020 Question paper asked directly or are straightforward in nature. Strategies for tackling questions vary. Hence, repeated test-taking helps get one accustomed to the quirks in the format of the exam. Knowledge of the ins and outs of the exam helps one become comfortable in addition to personalizing strategies. 

  1. Potential Gaps Identified 

Knowing what you don’t know is difficult at times. Practise tests mirror exactly these gaps. Refocus on study efforts if practice results are not up to the mark. It is good to be confident, but the outcome of multiple practise tests can affirm your knowledge furthermore. These tests can help immensely to step up your game. 

  1. Takes the edge off anxiety 

There is a lot riding on your NEET results. You are working to get into the college of your dreams. Regardless of your reason, stress is real. Practise to ensure maximum comfort and minimize anxiety. The more often you sit for practice tests, the lighter you feel on the exam day. Anxieties should be quelled with all the more practise tests. 

  1. Ace your timing 

It is easier to lose a track of time given the marathon sessions one tends to indulge in. The last thing you want is to know time is almost up in the exam hall while you are still halfway through the paper. There are a lot of aspects that cannot be controlled on the day of exams. Time is one amongst them. But, with constant practise, you can conquer this facet of exams. 

  1. Cement concepts 

Unsure about your knowledge of a certain topic? Practise tests are here to your rescue. It helps identify potential areas of improvement, reassures your knowledge. This is by discovering and confirming subject matter strengths, to which time can be devoted along with refocussed attention.

In summary, practise tests are extremely helpful to track progress, retain information and in dealing with anxiety. They help plot results for a snapshot of progress. Indeed, these are one of the best tools in your toolbox of study strategies. Regardless of how your preparation is, practising can change your game. Additionally, a night of sound sleep and healthy breakfast before the test are great ways to diversify your strategy for the best outcome possible. Good luck!

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