
Healthy Habits: 7 Ways to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

 There are only 24 hours a day. If you divide it, it will go to work, personal errands, and sleeping. And sometimes, life happens because you can’t get enough sleep for the night. Perhaps, you need to study for an exam, finish a project for your work, or stay up late because you want to watch a movie. Although most doctors encourage people to shave enough sleep per night, it is impossible for people with busy schedules. Due to this, they may suffer from conditions like sleep apnea in Singapore.

With a lack of sleep, your mental, emotional and physical health will also suffer. You will not function well and decrease your productivity during the day. On top of this, you may find it hard to fix your body clock. You may experience tossing and turning at night before falling asleep. There are also many things running through your mind, especially during midnight.

Here are ways to fix your body schedule with a sleep clinic in Singapore for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Most adults have experienced sleep problems at night. A friend might say: I could not sleep last night because I kept thinking about our exams. A family member might say: I could not sleep because my baby kept crying. There are many reasons why a person lacks sleep. But if it continues for many days and you always feel lethargic, you need to fix your body clock with a sleep clinic in Singapore.

So, here are some ways to fix your sleep schedule for a healthier lifestyle.

1) Fix the Lighting

Your mind responds to the lighting around your environment or room. If the room is bright, your brain will produce less melatonin, making you feel more alert. On the other hand, a dim room will make you feel drowsy and fall asleep easier. So, if you are sleeping in a bright room,  turn off the lights or close the curtains or blinds for a more restful night.

Another thing to consider is to sleep earlier, do not wait for the sunrise because it may be harder for you to fall asleep once you see the light outside. Aside from the natural daylight, you can also turn off the lights and use a small lamp for a dimmer environment. Another thing to consider is the light from phones, TV, and computer screens. If this does not work, it is better to visit a sleep clinic in Singapore to learn about other reasons.

2) Minimise Your Napping

Who does not love napping? Everyone wants to take a break during the day and take a short nap. However, some people may nap for more than one hour, making it difficult to sleep at night later in the day. Drowsing for long hours may also make you feel groggy throughout the day. To minimise your napping hours, try to wake yourself up after thirty minutes and tell someone to wake you up when you reach the thirty minutes time interval.

For sure, waking up after a 30-minute nap will give you a boost of energy. But, if you have trouble controlling your sleep, visit a sleep clinic in Singapore to learn more about the reasons behind this sleeping condition.

3) Check Your Sinusitis

Sometimes, the reason why people cannot sleep is because of medical cases like sinusitis problems. When you feel like there is blocking in your nostril, it will be hard for you to breathe and relax while lying on your bed. It is because the phlegm will block your airways. Instead of falling asleep, you might blow your nose again and again. It is better to visit an ENT doctor in Singapore to give you an accurate diagnosis to improve your condition.

As the doctor checks the sinusitis, the physician can give you the medicine you need to take and appropriate treatments to improve your condition. Plus, you will also know if the cold is the effect of the COVID pandemic. If left untreated, you will experience more health problems in the long run.

4) Get Daily Exercises

Indeed, daily exercises can also improve your sleep quality. Surprisingly, your muscles impact your body block because they can align your circadian rhythm. Plus, exercising can produce more melatonins for your body. Even 30-minute aerobic exercises can have a significant effect on your schedule.

But, make sure to do this regularly for better results. So, if you are a busy individual, aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day each week. Better yet, ask a doctor from a sleep clinic to know which type of workouts are applicable for your condition. Remember not to work out one to two hours before bedtime as it can overstimulate your body.

5) Minimise Noise

Your brain processes noise even when you are asleep. Plus, noise can make it hard for you to fall asleep because you feel disturbed by the environment around you. Perhaps, you have noisy neighbours, your sibling is playing a video game, or the dogs are barking loudly. There are things you cannot control that can affect your sleep schedule. The best way to solve this problem is to use white noise from air conditioners, fans, and humidifiers. It can mask the background noise and make the room more relaxing.

6) Visit a Doctor

If you want to ensure your health, you can also visit an ENT specialist in Singapore, Novena. This way, you can have an overall diagnosis, which can tell more about your conditions. You can know whether you have medical problems that can affect your sleep. As such, you can do some home remedy to avoid worsening your sleep quality.

7) Maintain a Regular Schedule

Most importantly, you maintain a regular schedule for your sleep, including your diet, sleep time, and exercises. As such, you can look after your body clock and avoid medical issues like tonsillitis in Singapore. You can achieve a night of quality sleep with enough hours for a healthier body.




Maintain a regular sleep schedule with Dr Gan EngCern, an ENT specialist in Singapore, Novena. Their clinic can help you prevent diseases like tonsillitis and sleep apnea. Visit their website to consult a doctor to achieve quality sleep.