
What Does It Mean to Take a Part Time Degree in Singapore?


Getting a bachelor degree in Singapore can be a rewarding experience. However, many people study part-time for personal and professional reasons. For most, it may be because they need to juggle working 8 hours a day but still want to graduate.

Fortunately, a part time degree in Singapore is an effort to provide students with a platform for upskilling in a rapidly changing business environment. It’s also becoming increasingly popular as more colleges recognise its value.

Here’s a guide on how you can be able to snatch your degree and graduate in no time.

Why take a part time degree?

Manage to work

If you are working but have and want to resume your education, a full-time course is not a good solution because it would interfere with your schedule. If you want to take a business management course in Singapore, you won’t feel overwhelmed by learning the subjects you have to take.

1. Cost-effective

If the return on investment is greater than the investment itself, it can be a win-win situation for you. If you work in a financial company, once you get a diploma in banking in finance, you can use the skills you get from a part-time programme to advance in your current position and earn a greater salary. As a result, you’ll be able to further your professional goals on a budget.

2. Expand your network

If you want to be successful, building connections is part of it. Taking a part time degree in Singapore is a great way to network with people from various backgrounds and learn about various business topics. As a result, you’ll become a better expert in your industry, and your career will benefit from it.

3. Career growth

Part-time education can be a good option to improve your current profession, learn new skills for a promotion, or find new employment. You can take business management, accounting or hospitality courses in Singapore.

Regardless of what they are, more and more programmes at the University have been approved or endorsed by professional organisations to ensure that students graduate with the skills and knowledge that employers want.

To secure a long-term position in one’s field of work, one must become more proficient. Having a bachelor degree in Singapore is one of the best ways to expand one’s horizons and advance one’s profession.

Which bachelor degree is the best fit for you?


Bachelor of Science

There is a strong emphasis on theoretical concepts and formulas in the curriculum. Students who have completed a three- to a four-year course of study are the primary recipients of this qualification.

If you get this, you’ll be able to work in various industries, from business to education. Numerous engineering, computer programming, chemistry, financial services, and biology careers are open to those with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Bachelor of Arts

Subjects in the humanities and social sciences (which make up a Bachelor of Arts) generally deal with questions of identification. There are also existing international business, marketing, innovation and tourism management courses.

As long as you find the right school, you can get these on mode both for a full time and part time degree in Singapore.

What can you expect while pursuing a part time degree?

The duration of a part time degree in Singapore can depend on your course. The courses’ lengths range from 36 to 48 months for the longest ones to 12 to 16 months for the shortest.

A part-time degree’s timetable accommodates working adults and their schedules. As a result, lessons are normally held during either the evenings or weekends.

How to balance a part time degree and work?



Working a 9 to 5 job while taking classes and completing homework is a big decision. For those courageous enough to embark on this journey, here are suggestions for juggling your job and school.

1. Prepare beforehand

Whether taking an accounting or business management course in Singapore, your professors will give you assigned readings. Preparation is better than entering a classroom without knowing what you’ll learn.

Lecturers often post their slides or readings online a week in advance, so it’s a good idea to check them out before class. Give yourself an hour or two per day during your breaks to check them.

2. Learn how to organise

For anyone taking a part time degree in Singapore, knowing how to organize effectively can benefit you in the long run. Every night, plug in your laptop and cell phone and make sure they are fully charged. To avoid interrupting your schedule, ensure you have everything you need.

3. Ask for help

Learning to seek help when he was having academic difficulties is one of the most important things you should do. You can survive your college life if you have people willing to help you.

4. Spend your time the smart way

To secure a bachelor degree in Singapore, you need to know how to manage your time. You must plan for every aspect of your time at school, including class, study, and even downtime.

It will help you to avoid cramming or procrastination on the days of your deadline. When your activities or exams are up, it’s best to finish them as soon as you have free time.

5. Self-care is essential

For students studying like taking a diploma in banking and finance, business or hospitality courses in Singapore, it’s a struggle to balance everything. Getting a decent night’s sleep might make a big impact in the middle of your hectic daily schedule. Despite all the things you have to do, remember that you need to sleep.

Periodic breaks increase your productivity. You’ll benefit from a more positive outlook on life in your employment and education. Without this rest, you risk being fatigued and burnt out.

Get your bachelor degree at Amity Global Institute!

You can take a full time and part time degree in Singapore with Amity Global Institute. It is part of their mission to provide students with a world-class education using cutting-edge teaching methods and a mindset that values change and development. Apply for admission today!