
  Proton Therapy in Singapore: Understanding Radiation Therapy and Its Benefits

Radiation proton therapy in Singapore is one of the most prevalent cancer treatments. It uses high-energy electron beams to inhibit the growth of malignant tumours or kill cancer cells. Depending on the patient’s clinical condition, the various radiation therapy benefits can assist in achieving many treatment objectives. It can range from treating early-stage cancer to reducing the risk of tumour recurrence.

Radiotherapy can cost you some money in Singapore, but it is a highly effective and versatile cancer treatment. Radiation therapy cures cancer in many patients (either alone or in conjunction with other treatments) and alleviates symptoms or prolongs survival in patients with more advanced cancers. There are determined roles for nearly all types of cancer. In addition, it is a highly targeted treatment that effectively eradicates cancer wherever it may exist in the body. It kills the cells or reduces in number while most of the body’s organs and tissues are protected.

What is the difference between chemotherapy and radiation?

The delivery method is a significant difference between chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The entire body is open to treatment during chemotherapy. On the other hand, radiation therapy focuses on the area of the body where cancer persists.

Chemotherapy kills cancer cells by harming their DNA, while radiation therapy kills cancer cells directly. Chemotherapy is typically associated with more side effects than radiation therapy, including hair loss, anaemia, and severe nausea. Radiation therapy is best for targeted breast cancer treatment in Singapore.

How is radiotherapy administered?

A radiation oncologist is a medical specialist who will organise and oversee your radiation therapy. Under the supervision of a radiation oncologist, a radiation therapist operates the radiotherapy machines. Radiation therapy is administered externally (external beam) or internally (brachytherapy). The equipment directs radiation at cancer and surrounding tissues during external beam radiation therapy. In internal radiation therapy for breast cancer treatment in Singapore, radioactive material is placed inside the body near cancer in thin tubes.

If you have been prescribed radiation therapy in Singapore, this article will outline the seven benefits of radiation therapy.

1. Kill cancer cells.

For healthy individuals, cells grow and divide to form new cells. However, in cancer patients, cell growth and division are accelerated. Instead of allowing old cells to die, the body’s usual mechanism ceases to function, and abnormal cancer cells form.

The high-energy electron beams utilised in radiotherapy can cost you discomfort in Singapore, but it kills cancer cells by destroying their DNA. The DNA includes instructions for regulating cell growth and division. In addition, indeed, radiation therapy does not immediately eliminate cancer cells. However, it will only take a few days or weeks after the session for the DNA of the cells to become sufficiently damaged to cause their death.

2. Prevent the progression of cancer.

The most challenging aspect of cancer is that abnormal cells can begin to spread to other healthy organs. Radiation therapy can assist in eliminating cancer cells before they form tumours. Patients with lung cancer, for instance, may receive radiation therapy to the head because lung cancer is known to spread to the brain. Generally, radiation therapy is a preventative measure that prevents the spread of cancer.

3. Reduces tumours to treat cancer cells in their early stages.

Before considering cervical cancer treatment in Singapore, you should consult your doctor about the stage and type of cancer you carry. Some cancers are extremely radiation-sensitive. Radiation therapy targets abnormal cells and, if administered correctly, can prevent their spread throughout the body. The tumours can be shrunk or eliminated. Also known as neoadjuvant therapy, radiation therapy is frequently administered before surgery to shrink the tumour. Moreover, it is the most crucial reason cancer should be diagnosed as soon as possible. In conjunction with radiation, chemotherapy, or other anti-cancer medications, it may be possible to treat certain types of cancer in the early stages.

4. Cure recurring cancer cells.

In other instances, patients receive proton therapy in Singapore with other cancer therapies to eliminate any remaining abnormal cells. It is also frequently used to reduce the risk of cancer returning after initial treatment (also known as adjuvant therapy).

Radiation therapy is highly effective in reducing the risk of recurrence for many common cancers, including breast cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, and prostate cancer, if administered before or after surgery. In certain cancers, such as prostate, head and neck, bladder, lung, cervix, and skin cancers, radiation therapy, with or without drug therapy, can be used as a primary curative cervical cancer treatment in Singapore, thereby avoiding the risks associated with surgery and organ removal.


5. Reduce harm to healthy cells.

The high-energy electron beams in radiation therapy target the organ containing cancer cells. It allows doctors to exert great effort to protect healthy cells in the body from radiation-induced damage.

Remember that other cancer treatment options, such as chemotherapy, involve the administration of anti-cancer drugs systemically. It damages numerous healthy cells throughout the patient’s body. Proton therapy in Singapore is a treatment that is localised. If surrounding healthy cells are affected by this procedure, the body can recover more quickly than with other cancer treatment options.

6. Radiotherapy happens through outpatient methods.

Proton therapy in Singapore is an ideal alternative to some cancer treatments for many patients because it is an outpatient procedure. You can receive treatment for 30 to 45 minutes without being required to stay overnight. In addition, radiation therapy is cost-effective because it is usually given as an outpatient treatment; patients can come in for brief visits and then return to their normal activities. Despite the high cost of establishing radiation therapy centres, a typical treatment machine (linear accelerator) can treat more than 30 patients daily for up to 10 years.

7. Used as a form of palliative care.

Proton therapy in Singapore is used to cure early-stage cancer, prevent recurrence, and treat recurrent cancer. Additionally, it can be utilised as palliative care. The therapy is administered to alleviate the symptoms of advanced cancer.

Before receiving treatment, keep these ideas in check. Your treatment will be determined by the type of cancer you have, its location, its size, your overall health, and any previous cancer treatments you may have received.

For quality cervical cancer treatment in Singapore, visit Dr Johann Tang – Radiation Oncologist Singapore today!