
Mastering Exterior House Paint Colors: Tips For An Impressive Facade

Selecting an appropriate exterior paint color for a house is one of the hardest tasks to do because it changes everything. To ensure that you make the best choice, there are some pointers on developing an equilibrated scale for color schemes.

Start With A Base Color

Begin with a color that represents what you like. The major house paint colors (สีทาบ้าน, which is the term in Thai) play as the foundation for your exterior scheme, irrespective of whether you decide on classic white or soothing blue which is even more vibrant red.

Embrace Light And Dark Variations

To make your house look more three-dimensional, pick a color that is both brighter than the base and darker. A three-tone color also brings out an interesting sense of contrast that makes the house stand out. As for the main walls, they are usually lighter in color and accent areas – darker ones.

Divide And Conquer

The exterior of your home should be divided into three parts. Namely, the accent wall, the primary area and the secondary walls. All parts contribute significantly to the balanced and harmonious overall appearance.

  • Main Wall: This constitutes the biggest part of your exterior that determines everything else. Light colors work well in this area, as they create a bright and welcoming ambiance.
  • Accent Area: Focus on architectural elements, including grooved walls or raised frames with a darker accent color. This makes it visually striking and brings out the distinct features of your home.
  • Secondary Wall: Fill the main and accent areas with neutrals on secondary walls. These tones function as the middle ground to reinforce a smooth transition between the main and accent colors.

Test Samples In Natural Light

Test paint samples in natural light before making a color scheme selection. Since colors look differently under the rays of the sun, observing them throughout different hours gives you an idea of what the actual color means. This step is critical to prevent surprises once the painting has been done.

Consider Architectural Elements

Consider the architectural characteristics of your house. Certain colors work well with or accent particular design features, while others may detract from them. For instance, the detailed appearance of a house can be emphasized by dark colors whereas light values will give more freshness to a simpler structure.

Harmonize With Surroundings

Even so, if you want your home to be unique, you should take into account the surroundings. Select colors that match the surrounding houses. Alternatively, you may use variations of popular tones from your neighborhood or go for complementary colors that will give a unique look.

Indeed, the art of selecting exterior paint colors for your home requires a comprehensive consideration of several aspects. By implementing these tips, you will have a perfect facade that improves the looks of your home’s attractiveness.