
A Guide to Care for Your Pacman Frog

Having a Pacman frog as a pet requires taking good care of them and paying attention to its needs. Also known as ornate horned and South American horned frogs, Pacmans are large and round with big mouths, horns over each eye, and yellow skin tones.

They are terrestrial amphibians and spend most of their time in a humid environment. Pacman’s make for great pets as they do not require handling, are easy to take care of and do not need a large enclosure. This guide will help you take care of your pet frog in the best possible way.


A 10- or 20-gallon terrarium with a screened lid is enough for keeping a Pacman frog. They live alone as they are cannibals, and the terrarium should be decorated with live plants that will also work to regulate the humidity level. As their skin is sensitive, care should be taken to select plants that do not irritate their skin.


Pacman’s love to hide in their burrow with just their eyes showing. Make sure you make a substrate about 1” deep for young frogs and 2-3” deep for adult frogs. The substrate should always be damp and misted daily to create a humid environment they need.

If the substrate is left to dry out, the frog will become stressed, encase itself in its outer shell, and not move as if dead. Only after the damp environment is restored will they shed their tough exterior.


Maintain the temperature in the terrarium in the range of 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit. An under-tank heater will work best to warm the terrarium. You can also use a thermometer to monitor the temperature.


Pacman Frogs are nocturnal and are more active at night. When exposed to too much sunlight, they become stressed out. It is best to maintain 10-12 hours of daylight with a fluorescent bulb. It would help if you avoided special emitting UVB emitting bulbs.


They are insectivores and feed on various insects such as crickets, mealworms, silkworms, and waxworms. Adult frogs can also be fed mice or feeder fish. Small frogs eating insects can be fed daily, while adult frogs can be fed every few days. The frogs need Vitamin D and calcium once or twice a month and should be fed by dusting off crickets and insects with supplemental calcium and vitamin.


Pacman frogs absorb moisture through their skin. Provide a shallow bowl of chlorine-free water in the enclosure for the frog to sit in. These frogs are poor swimmers and can drown in deep water.

Handling and Health

Pacman’s have healthy teeth, and they have the habit of biting anything that moves. Handling should be done only when it is extremely necessary. The most common health issue of these frogs is that they are prone to bacterial or fungal infections. Any redness or abnormal swelling should be taken care of.

A Pacman frog is easy to care for and entertaining to watch. With optimal care, they can live approximately 15 years in captivity. They are an amazing pet for anyone who does not want an active pet.