
3 Sleeping Disorders That May Concern the ENT Region

As sleep is one of the most vital factors in a healthy and long life, something that interferes with that can be a cause of concern. There are many sleep-related disorders and conditions that an individual could face, such as insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, and more. But did you know that there are quite a few sleep disorders related to the ENT (or ear, nose, and throat) region?

It could be strange to think of turning to an ear, nose, and throat specialist for matters regarding your sleep, but think about it: while you sleep, the muscles of your body relax, including ones related to your breathing. You are unconscious and unaware of how you breathe during sleep, and if any issues happen with this region while asleep, you will be unable to control or help yourself.

That’s why conditions such as excessive snoring need to be addressed by an ENT doctor in Singapore. Here are just a few sleeping disorders that involve the ENT region.

  1. Loud habitual snoring. Snoring isn’t uncommon, nor is it always a serious issue, but it may affect the quality of life of you and any bed partners you may have. You may likely have problems with your nose or throat area that can be causing the snoring.
  1. Sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (or OSA) in Singapore is a slightly more concerning issue because it concerns those whose breathing stops and starts during sleep multiple times. This can lower the amount of oxygen in the blood, causing heart problems down the road.
  1. Insomnia. There are many causes of insomnia, and it may not necessarily be caused by ENT issues, but it could be one of them. Consult a doctor before proceeding.

Need help in resolving a medical issue with your ears, nose, and throat? You can find an ENT doctor in the Mouth Elizabeth area by heading to ENT Surgeons. 

Visit their website.